As I've mentioned before, Maggie has very specific ideas about art and fashion, and I've always highly encouraged her individuality. Lately, however, she's taken to wearing her hair in strange ways, and I'm not gonna lie, this kind of bothers me. I constantly want to reach over, yank her headband off and comb that mangy mess she calls her hair (which is usually somehow inexplicably sticky - possibly from one of those glue sticks she's forever toting around in one of the 10,000 miniature pink purses she owns. Because you just never know when you're going to need to glue something. Seriously.)
But as much as I find this new phase slightly frustrating, I do appreciate the fact that my daughter likes to do things her own way. This is also why I allow her to leave the house in outfits that consist of what some might consider less than favorable combinations such as leopard print pants with a pink and purple striped t-shirt and patent leather boots. Because she likes it. And believe me, I do gets looks, as well as the sporadic comment from other parents. They either get it or they don't. But given the choice, I'd rather allow my daughter to explore who she is through fashion, than repress her individuality and insist that she look like a model for Baby Gap. Maggs, even though it drives me nuts sometimes, I like the fact that you have your own ideas about things. We will need to wash the glue out of your hair occasionally, but you can wear it however you like.
Remember when your mom asked you something like, "Why don't you want to be pretty"? LOL.
OMG - I was totally thinking about that when I wrote this post. She also remembers me being like Maggs about the whole headband thing. At one point she told me "That's not really the style, Kris." To which I responded, "Well it is NOW." And we wonder where Maggs gets it from...
bravo to you! my son does something similar but it involves mainly inappropriate t-shirts worn to church, like skulls or skulls with handkerchiefs on their faces or guns or something. but he feels confident in his choices so i let him go. it doesn't really matter if you DON'T look good. it matters if you THINK you look good. good job mommy
Sophia likes to put dozens of barrettes in her hair at once...eve in her bangs. It honesstly drives me up the wall! I too let her dress as long as it is approporiate for the cold and I loe her for it - but I still get at least 1 Gap day a week. I've gotta get my fix too...I mean I had a baby girl. She will get dressed, look beautiful and say, Okay mama - I think this outfit will make you so happy....and I will only wear three barettes because I love you.
What a doll!
I love Maggie;s headband obsession. It rocks. So funny you had one too!
Too funny about Sophia. I know what you mean about getting your fix - I got Maggie a ton of adorable clothes for Christmas - fortunately for me she's a little girl that looovvees clothes. Little girls are so much fun that way. Another one of her favorite hair styles lately is mutiple pony tails - as in like 4 or 5 all over her head. Nice.
I also wanted to mention that these photos are ADORABLE!
Thanks! Maggie makes me laugh b/c she is so adorable in all her messy awesomeness (if that makes any sense?)I tried to capture that in the photos and it makes me so happy that you see it too.
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