Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dream Killer


Amy said...

Great post. I've been trying to get a free hour to drive around and photograph some of the streets with rows of for sale signs. The half-built subdivisions or the ones where only the streets were put in but nothing ever got built really get me.

Existential Waitress said...

We have A LOT of those here. The subdivision right behind me is one of those with just streets and no houses. Our development has tons and tons of houses that have never been lived in. Funny, but our last neighborhood (which we moved into 5 years ago)was like that too - it just highlights the fact that we have been in this shit economy for a long time now. And it just keeps getting shittier.

Existential Waitress said...

That photo is from one of my UNLV film projects (that was a long, long time ago, wasn't it?). That photograph makes more sense today than it did then even. I wish I still had more of those photos in my possession.